Jellyhead Goes On A Walk
A poem about a person with jelly for a head.
An acorn did actually drop on my head whilst walking my dog in Alexandra Park, Hastings, and it knocked this poem into my head during the walk. It’s about overthinking simple situations and making it difficult to let go of our fragile being. Something I’ve struggled with massively over the years, but in making this I’m admitting my own flaws and hopefully able to start to overcome a hurdle in my life
Sound design by Curtis Coello/Curco Music
Directed and animated by Cribble

festivals and screenings
Fargo Film Festival – 2-Minute Movie Contest – WINNER
Jersey Shore Film Festival, USA – BEST QWIKQLIPS AWARD
Wales International Film Festival, UK – FINALIST
Animatica, Italy – Honorable Mention
Fargo Film Festival, USA
Anim!Arte, Brazil
Underground Cinema International Film Festival and Comic Con, Ireland
Golden Short Film Festival, Italy
Lift-Off Filmmaker Sessions, London
Student Live Film Festival, Paris
Cardiff Animation Nights, Wales
Hastings Rocks International Film Festival
Upstate New York Film Festival, USA
Walthamstow International Film Festival, London
Fragments Festival, London
60 Second International Film Festival, Islamabad
Norwich Film Festival, Norfolk
60 Seconds or Less Fest, USA
Lugano Animation Days, Switzerland
Mobile Animation Film Festival (MAFF), USA